August 31, 2004
20 anecdotes, part four
16. Same PE Class, different game. What we had to do this time was to bend backwards and try to race our way to the finish line. (I think this is what they call "crab-walk.") Unfortunately for me, I moved a little too fast too soon. My hand bent backwards in a way that it was not supposed to, and before you know it, someone was screaming "Si Kerwin namumutla!" and the whole field (which was green, but in my vision it was yellow) was merging together in front of my eyes. That was the only time I recall when anything of that sort happened to me.
17. Biology was the only subject for which I had a morbid fear of. Every time the Card-Giving day came around, I was biting my nails in anticipation of a 2 or-- gasp! a 2.25-- in this subject. Who would actually like dissecting frogs? Or pricking yourself to test if you were AB? Or drinking chicken dung mixed with sodium bicarbonate and lactate acid? Okay, that last one was hypothetical, but who knows right? With the recent biological trends and all?
18. One of the things I realized in high school was that teachers are human, after all. They don't always see students' mistakes! Consider the time when I combined the lyrics of songs with my Methodology in Chemistry, wondering if I would be caught. Guess what happened? I was not caught. I got a huge check mark instead.
19. I spent nights on end trying to finish that damn Senior Year Sweet Valley High Series. I was then inspired and tried creating my own story. Unfortunately, due to my Stephen King background, I ended up with a novelette about teenagers in love... with desperation and disaster.
20. And of course, that obsession with the movie The Faculty starring my reel idol, Josh Hartnett. How can I forget those times when I screamed in sheer joy when Tessa gave me a videotape of the film, those times when I researched for the ingredients of cocaine because Zeke (Josh's character) sold them, those times when I sat in front of the computer and memorized his freaking lines, and those times when I really felt like a really, really, really cool bad guy?
There. I'm done.
20 anecdotes.
20 years.
Looking back, it seems like it was always one blunder after another. Looking at the present, though, I see my friends, my family, and those who are dear to me, and they seem glad that this one wrong of a guy turned out to be right after all. Thanks guys, you made my 20 years of life worth living.